Monday, September 03, 2007

The Beak returns home to Staten Island

Apparently news of my return is common knowledge in Staten Island. My parents are part of a smaller local community and I largely keep to myself. I never was a religious type so I seldom mix into community affairs or attend local gatherings.

I was surprised how many friends and neighbors were aware of my return. The community is much larger than when I left. I have brushed back several invitations to singles events. I preffer to live appart just beyond local concerns. It is harder for me to return home than attend a similar function in VT where I am just a drifter.

I burried my car in the driveway. It will not see much action for now. The next big trip is my trip to GA. I did want to take a trip across country. This will wait for now. I certainly do not want to do this in winter.

Tommorow is my first day at the NYC office. There will be several Vermonters arriving later.

Beamish in 08


The Merry Widow said...

Well, I guess you are a celebrity!
It's hard to be a closet hermit in the city, especially if your family is there. You tend to be absorbed into the group...unless you are a real pill, then you will be left alone!
Nah, wouldn't work, you can't pull off cranky hermit real well!


nanc said...

what's going on in brooklyn today? i saw on the news upon our return there was a shooting at the parade - the poopstain, perhaps?

nah - just wishful thinking on my part!

my file on him is growing - it will all be forwarded to the proper authorities. sure hope he keeps hanging himself like this...


beakerkin said...

I am across the river a world away from Brooklyn. Brown will be ratted out by his own. Commies will betray their own for a price and the price is fairly low.

nanc said...

i'll throw in a snickers bar...
